Archive for April, 2012

Long Longing Longingly: Romantic IMprov Alliterative Poetry

April 30, 2012

How long
must I longingly
wait long
for you to longingly
for me to be long
and belong?

Things Change: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

April 30, 2012

In decades past, his /
illness would have killed him. She/
didn’t know nor care.

Can’t I Wear My New White Shoes In April In Utah? Revolutionary Limerick

April 29, 2012

In Utah I'm Gonna Wear White Shoes Before Memorial Day!Worldly fashion etiquette says to wait:
Wear white shoes post Memorial Day’s date.
But here in remote Utah
they’ll exclaim “Fashion? Pashaw!”
And think spring ivory loafers first rate!

Taking a Number to Dance: Romantic IMprov Limerick

April 27, 2012

You have a chance/
for heartfelt romance./
I’ll take a number/
before I slumber, /
so we may, someday, dance.

A Nut Back Into His Shell: Romantic IMprov Haiku

April 27, 2012

Even nuts withdraw/
back into their shells if they’re/
left alone too long.

About A Message Received On The Eve Of Leaving: Revolutionary Email Sonnet

April 27, 2012

On the eve of me leaving,
alone, for France,
Your surprise last message, grieving,
came. You took that chance.

Since then I’ve had to roam
to Vegas, Dallas, Orlando,
Bountiful and San Antone,
with thoughts of you as I go.

I have always intended
to sit down and write,
but as days and nights have blended,
it never feels right, quite.

For an answer takes deep thought, time, and caring
To pen honest words worthy of sharing.

RE: Subject: Poetry — Where My Poetry Went: Revolutionary Email Response Haiku

April 27, 2012

A friend wrote the following email:
“I apologize for intruding in your e-mail/life but I MISS YOUR POETRY SO MUCH! What happened to your one-a-day poem goal? I still check your blog at least once a day. WHEN you post, my heart starts beating & I relish every word! Then there is the day after day after day of….nothing. I hope all is well with you and you are just busy.
~A starving, yearning, craving, longing, ravenous, eager, hopeful, languishing (you get the drift) poetry fan.”

In response, several thoughts came up. This is probably the most correct (and profound):

She asked where and why/
my poems vanished. She never/
grasped her muse power.

Setting Up Barriers: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku

April 27, 2012

You crave my touch, yet/
your vocal silence strongly/
sets up barriers.


You crave my touch, yet/
your thoughtless silence sets up/
walls and barriers.

What Being In Love Means: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku

April 23, 2012

Being in love means/
that sometimes your heart may get /
broken … and be healed.