Archive for May, 2014

Late Night College Town Pizzeria: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

May 31, 2014

I’m older than you/
both combined. I still drip sauce/
on my T-shirt. So?

Where’s The Beach: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku

May 31, 2014

BeachWithinReach_UtahLakeMay2014I don’t care what kind/
of beach I find, just so it’s/
a beach within reach.
Floating Utah Lake and Spanish Fork River with Mt. Timp in the Background

Voices: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku

May 31, 2014

She claims I have too/
many voices in my head./
Maybe she should leave.

The Suitcase She Gave Me: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku Lament

May 30, 2014

She gave me a new/
suitcase, but now seems to be/
afraid to meet me.

Alpine Lake List: Solitude Isn’t So Solitary — Revolutionary Blogging Free Verse

May 30, 2014

Solitude moose calf, May, 2014I took a flat,
0.8 mile
a not bored walk
on a boardwalk
around Silver Lake.

By the time I’d finished
I’d seen:
A moose cow and her calf;
Two squirrels;
New pussy willows;
One fish carcass;
Haze from a green wood campfire;
Two doe mule deer;Silver Lake Mountain Reflection with Bride
A reflecting lake;
A distant bridal photo shoot;
A towhee;
Two killdeer in flight;
Two beaver (one slap happy);Beaver at Silver Lake
Three mallards in flight;
An aspen freshly felled by the beavers;
One hen mallard on her nest;
Three ducklings under her wing;
A patch of yellow columbines;Yellow Columbines in an aspen grove
Sunset on mountain peaks;
Glowing new green on an aspen grove;
A rushing, raging, roaring mountain stream;
A new place to enjoy.

I failed to thank my tour guide,
a Dad who taught me to look,
and God.

Almost Idyllic: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament

May 30, 2014

Hobble Creek, Mt. Timp, and I-15 (noise only)If only the roar/
of traffic wasn’t so loud/
it would be perfect.

What IS My Job? Revolutionary Blogging Free Verse

May 30, 2014

People ask “What do you do?”
As I ponder,
I think of life stories.

I read a young girl’s poem
and move her family to tears.
I take a husband’s writing
and change his wife’s life.
I reformat a grandma’s funny ditty
and create a “What is a Grandparent” model.
I list “things to do at the Lake”
and make an old man weep.
I dance, top down, music up
and bring smiles to weary travelers.
I comment on a friend’s lament
and remind her of a brush with greatness.
I edit a colleague’s cultural rebuttal
and give her courage to share her voice.
I argue, gently, with my daughter
and uplift and inspire others who suffer.
I take people on walks and floats and rides
and make them see what they’ve been blind to.
I express my feelings and observations
and invite others to relish the Spirit.
I see how people write and draw and express
and let them say “WOW! I did THAT!?!?!”

I, I, I and I see
with eyes
others haven’t yet opened
and give them strength
and insight
and courage
and power
to change the world.

Shower Exit: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku

May 30, 2014

Like a cool sea breeze,/
her wet hair draped over my/
early-morning face.

Living With Eating Disorders: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

May 29, 2014

If a woman says/
she doesn’t want food do not/
argue. Just eat it.

Tranquil Beaver: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

May 29, 2014

I waited for him/
to splash, but he was matching/
my tranquility.Beaver at Silver Lake