Archive for April, 2017

If There Are Times, Then What? Romantic ImproVerse Free Verse Poem

April 28, 2017

Are there times
when you have to do
the important things in your life?
Or are there times
when you have to ignore
people you’d rather not?
Are there times
when you have to make
tough choices
and those choices might not be
what other people want you to do?
Are there times
when you have to let go
and suffer the consequences?
Or are there times
when you have to just do
what you feel like God
is telling you to do,
regardless of what anyone else
wants you to do
or even needs you to do?

When you hit those times,
do you just have to take a deep breath,
perhaps shed a few tears,
and hope that,
if you are hurting someone you care about,
maybe someday they’ll understand?
And they’ll come to learn
that what is best for you
and what God directs you to do,
will ultimately also be
what’s best for them.

Respect, Yet Hope: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku Lament

April 23, 2017

I will respect her/
enough to back away, while/
Facing her with hope.

I will respect her/
enough to back away, yet/
still face her with hope.

Two Roads Both Traveled: Revolutionary IMprov Free Verse

April 23, 2017

No apologies to Robert Frost

Two roads converged
in the tulip fields,
and I,
remembering it had been years
since I’d last passed
this way,
as a younger,
less curious man;
recognizing I would probably
never pass
this singular way
with age,
yet certain in knowing
how each road would lead
to a different view,
to different light,
to different experience,
to different understanding;
as an older man,
standing on the brink
of my eternities,
now took enough time
to broaden my vistas
as wide as I could.

Two roads converged
in the tulip fields.
I breathed deeply,
faced the setting sun,
cancelled other appointments,
and took them both.

And that will make
all the difference.
Two Roads Converged in the tulip fields

In Your Darkest Hour Light: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

April 23, 2017

In your darkest hour,/
fall on your knees, bow your head/
and seek His love’s light.

Darkest Before His Dawn: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

April 23, 2017

You will feel most lost/
right before you’re found, darkest/
just before His dawn.

That Don’t Befront Them None: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

April 22, 2017

When someone tells you/
your issues aren’t their concern,/
you should believe them.

True Art, Tasted: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

April 16, 2017

I’ve seen Rembrandts and/
Warhols, but some true art can/
also be tasted.
True art: A multi-berry pie for Easter dinner dessert

He Knows Him: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

April 16, 2017

He is a simple/
follower of Christ, and speaks/
the truth from knowing.

Child-like Testimony Is Truth: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

April 16, 2017

My friend is full of/
The Lord’s love. When he speaks of/
Him, I know He lives.

Freeing The Caged Venus: Revolutionary Sonnet

April 16, 2017

At her old house, post omelet, rose’d Venus stood:
Scared, caged bird nervously contemplating a chance.
As she paced back and forth across her floor of wood:
Should she venture out and fly to far-off France?
Surprised Venus, uncaged. April, 2017, Emerald Downs MyWayDay
It was easy for others to advise her
on how, when and what she should do, where to go.
But she needed her loved Universe to surprise her
(like when she’d dined with Maya Angelou).

With her passport, small backpack, underwear, comfortable shoes,
she took a deep breath and launched her my way living.
Experiential, experimental, however she’d choose.
Taking, discovering, still rising, loving, giving.

At her request, this is an on-going birthday sonnet.
Because her best beat goes on! She is not done yet.