Archive for July, 2016

Finding The Divine Lotus: Revolutionary Blogging Free Verse Poem

July 31, 2016

working in a new ,
central mountain desert Temple,
noticed a carved symbol
high on Godly walls.

The lotus blossom,
not seen locally.
“International symbol
of the divine”
I was told.
8 petals,
gorgeously carved.
But why there?
Why that Buddhist symbol
in the Beehive state?

I was amused,
thinking “How silly
to use a blossom
so distant,
so unconnected,
so foreign.”

Summer drew me east,
away from that desert temple,
to the Midwest,
to the muddy creek
that had been my contemplative home,
my temple of solitude and thought
growing up.

Paddling up river
after heat,
muggy weather,
I noticed large water pads,
never before seen
in my decades in the swamp.

Then something newWhite lotus, symbol of the Buddha, reaching heavenward out of the muck in Mud Creek, Lake Winneconne, Wisconsin
rose up.
Coming out of the mud,
the decay,
through the water,
reaching heavenward,
large pods.

They opened,
eight petals,

The scent,
took my mind
and soul
even farther heavenward.

sitting in my canoe,
my portable temple,
eyes overwhelmed,
nostrils overcome,
soul purified,
I understand why
lotus is divine
whether in the desert
or the marsh
or the Ganges.

What Patriotism Shouldn’t Look Like: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

July 31, 2016

I feel compelled to/
clean up. Patriotism/
shouldn’t look like this.
Patriotic Litter Beer Cans in Mud Creek, Lake Winneconne, Wisconsin

When It’s Hard: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament

July 31, 2016

It’s hard when you try/
so hard to be good, yet folks/
criticize you hard.

Though She Thinks I Am, I Don’t: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Lament

July 31, 2016

I’ve been insulted/
before, but I don’t recall/
such deep ridicule.

Happy Birthday, Son: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku

July 30, 2016

Of all great events/
in a man’s life, few can match/
becoming a Dad.

Sorry EAA — Purple Martin Airshow: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

July 30, 2016

I can sit on the/
dock by the lake and watch my/
personal airshow.
Purple Martin personal sunset airshow, Lake Winneconne (sorry EAA)

I Don’t Think I Am: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament

July 30, 2016

She thinks I am a/
narcissist. I think I’ll end/
our relationship.

An Unknown American Hero: Revolutionary Blogging Free Verse Poem

July 29, 2016

Eighty carrier landings.
Thousands of hours of training.
Ready to deliver mushroom
if ordered.
While his friends died practicing.
He kept going.
He sacrificed.
And more practice.
because of practice.
because of devotion.
because of practice
and devotion.

Nothing happened
during those years.
Our country
never was attached.
Never saw mushrooms bloom.
Never felt the ravages of war.
Maybe because he was there?

I’ve known him
for decades,
father of friends,
born during his service,
but until today
I never knew he was
and is
an American hero.

I walked next to him,
head down,
not wanted to take his deserved glory;
watched as hundreds applauded,
waved flags,
shook his hand,
said, earnestly,

After decades
I am able to recognize,
and salute
and say,
from my heart,
as I have so often to others:
“Thank you for your service”.

American hero: Veterans Recognition Day parade at EAA Airventure 2016







Liquid Silver Sunset Like A Dropping Thermometer: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

July 28, 2016

The liquid silver/
sunset reflects the cool of/
a sweatshirt* ev’ning.
*cold front
Liquid silver (post cold front) Lake Winneconne sunset, July 2016

Yellow Boathouse, Distant Shore, N’er Seen: Revolutionary IM

July 28, 2016

The beam of sunlight/
illuminates the yellow/
boathouse, never seen.

Yellow boathouse on the eastern shore of Lake Winneconne, WI

Yellow boathouse on the eastern shore of Lake Winneconne, WI