Posts Tagged ‘IMprov Poetry’

You Might Not Remember, But I Was There — ImproVerse Free Verse Birthday Letter

July 31, 2019

My first born son -- I was there-- July 82
Good morning, my first born.
I know it’s early,
just like it was years ago,
but I wanted to let you know that I am here.
Just like I was there then.

Your mother had worked so hard,
and it was painful,
and she was exhausted.
So she smiled tenderly at you,
said “Hello, little one!”,
and held you awhile.

Then she handed you to me,
and she drifted off to sleep,
to get much-needed rest.

How I loved you!
How glad I am that I had the chance
that few fathers have.
I got to hold you for a while,
right after you were born.
I was there.

That seems to be the way it was,
wasn’t it, for years?
I was there.
No Harry Chapin song
(Cat’s in the Cradle)

Because of the work I chose,
I was there
when you caught your first football
at six months old
in the Johnny Jump-up.

I was there for your first day of school,
and your first church talk,
and your first overnight camping trip.
And when you stole home with the go-ahead run
in the championship Kirkland National Little League game,
I was there as your third base coach.

I was there
for your soccer games,
and your rocket reports,
and your problems,
and your triumphs,
and your blessings,
and your first fish,
and your first dance,
and your first car,
and your Eagle Scout award,
(and all that led up to it!),
and your graduations,
and your first trip to college,
and on
and on
and on.
I was there,
always so proud of you.
I still am.

Now you’re a father yourself!
You’re far away.
And it may not seem like I am there,
but you are always in my thoughts
and my prayers.
Just as you’ve always been,
and always will be.

And I always want to be there,
if not with you,
then at least for you.
Happy birthday, Itty Bitty Kristian!
I love you.
Love, Dad.

Finally Starting: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

March 30, 2019

When you’re trying to/
start, push in the clutch and brake./
Make sure you’ve got fuel.
When you’re trying to /
start, push in the clutch, then make/
sure your gas tank’s full.

A Sonnet To Salute The Salutatorian: Revolutionary IMprov Sonnet

March 28, 2019

Out on a tree’d hill he stood,
walking in the buggy grass;
never caring he was that good;
never thinking to place high in his class.

‘Neath scaled hickories without effort
(it seemed), he read, wrote, studied.
With his cousins on and in X’d videos he’d cavort,
whether the paths were pulsing, dry or muddied.

He sparred with great wit and thought
as he discussed, with authors, literature.
He pondered and argued upon what he got
from reading ancient and revealed Scripture.

At last, now, as BigEP reaches a good childhood’s end,
Let us salute the brain’d heights of this Salutatorian!

“Get Back To The Temple!” She Said: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

May 17, 2018

Once upon a time/
my Sunday School teacher said: /
“Shape Up!” So I did!

Hard To Work: Romantic IMprov Haiku

April 30, 2018

One should not be in/
love, in the next room, playing/
romantic music.

Will I Go Silent? Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

April 26, 2018

When you’re always wrong,/
perhaps you’ll learn to not speak,/
or check facts better.

Chosing My Words Carefully: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

April 21, 2018

There are times when my/
response seems trite. It’s ‘cuz I/
must do it justice.

How My Labor of Love is Lost: Romantic IMprov Haiku

March 29, 2018

Introduce your love/
to Shakespeare with care! Pick plays/
sans pedantic speech.

On The Beach, In The Woods, Up A Creek: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

March 7, 2018

Some say my life was/
confusion. They never saw/
me dream, walking here.

Lying In The Clover: Revolutionary IMprov Sonnet

March 6, 2018

LyingInTheClover_FrontYard_March2018When you’re lying in the clover
on a sunny Spring day,
you need not mull problems over;
the world seems far away.

Take off your shoes;
lay down your blanket or quilt.
Cast off your troubles and blues.
Relax yourself without any guilt.

Let your heels connect to Mother Earth.
Grab the moment to fee the sun shine all around.
Drink deep of harmony, peace, joy, healing, mirth.
Harvest insights deep and profound.

Your’re shadowed cuz your sweetheart nuzzled up to your face?
Enjoy the warmth of it all. You’ll never find a better place!