Archive for July, 2014

Why Horde And Be Selfish? Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

July 30, 2014

Do survivalists/
fear death? They won’t share? What would/
Christ do at the End?

B-17 Over Lake Winneconne: Revolutionary Song Cover

July 30, 2014

B-17 "Aluminum Overcast" bomber from EAA flying over Lake Winneconne, July, 2014(Sung to the tune of “Popcorn Popping On The Apricot Tree”)

I looked up from my deck and what did I see?/
A B-17 flying straight over me!/
Oshkosh airshow’s brought a nice surprise:/
A World War Two bomber in the skies./
I could take a picture; it’d be a treat./
But my memory is just as sweet./
It was really so!/
Right above me!
A B-17 o’er Lake Winneconne.

Early-Morning Lake Bathing: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

July 30, 2014

Bathing in the lake/
is fine as long as nosey/
neighbors don’t come out.

In Her Mind: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku

July 30, 2014

Of course she’s dreamt of /
someone like him for years. He’s/
remotely perfect!

The Best Flowers: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku

July 29, 2014

Lake Winneconne wild flowers - coneflowersThe best flowers to/
send women match who they are:/
Wild and colorful.

The best blooms to send/
a woman match who she is:/
Wild and colorful.

Honesty And Intensity: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku

July 28, 2014

I do not get scared/
by honesty, nor do I/
fear intensity.

Sharing Experiences Can Wait: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku

July 27, 2014

There is much I would/
like to share with her, but I/
don’t need to. Not yet.

Dream Writing: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku

July 27, 2014

Why would I write her?/
Because even a poet/
has the right to dream.

Being Prone: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

July 27, 2014

In relationships,/
I was prone to being prone./
Now I’m upstanding.

Her Other Guy: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku Lament

July 26, 2014

She claims there is no/
other guy. So why does she/
feel the need to lie?