Archive for April, 2011

Why Limit Emotions To Just Friendship: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Response Poetry

April 30, 2011

A friend wrote about how friendship was a good emotion to feel. I countered with this poem about why limit ourselves:

Humbling ourselves to feel all these:
Not just one
in a single
let’s us always win.

The Winning Heart: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

April 30, 2011

The heart that does not/
put into compartments all/
feelings that flow, wins.

Last Line Heart Break: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku

April 30, 2011

It’s always the last/
line, the verse words that never/
rhyme, which breaks your heart.

Throwing Herself Eagerly Strangely: Romantic ConTEXTing Limerick

April 30, 2011

It’s strange how she/
throws herself eagerly/
on handsome men she does not know,/
but when one stirs her soul,/
she treads hesitatingly.

she proceeds cautiously.

Simple Morning: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku

April 30, 2011

Good morning! Nothing/
poetic. Just a simple/
way to start your day.

A Muse, Anew: Romantic ConTEXTing Poetry

April 30, 2011

does it now/
when my unrehearsed/
a surprising new,/
unexpected view?/

That it’s you/
who stands anew,/
wearing the shoes/
of my verbal Muse?

Wenting Repenting: Romantic ConTEXTing Poem

April 29, 2011

So I’ll repent,/
and go where you went./
I’ll be late,/
but it will still be great./
Can you wait?

I Dunno Where Is Gelato: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku

April 29, 2011

I thought I would know/
where to go for gelato,/
but I really don’t.

Why I Don’t Get Distracted: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Poetry

April 29, 2011

I don’t get distracted./
I’ve so oft reacted/
to great beauty/
and it never did do me/
any good./

How to Start Writing: Revolutionary Blogging Thoughts With Borrowed Haiku

April 29, 2011

I’ve been thinking for a long time about doing a workshop on creative writing. One of the first lessons I’d have would be on “just do”. This was brought home forcefully today by a friend of mine. I wonder how many people (including myself) feel the same way as she did, at the beginning of the writing process:
“I’m not a writer. I never have any good thoughts and I’m not creative. But one day I was driving in the rain and I had this thought… and I wrote it down.”
“What was amazing to me is that I even wrote it down, that I thought it good enough to write down. But it felt good to create.”

Here’s what she wrote originally:
It is raining and in it I find solace, warmth and understanding.~ me

I commented that’s the way 90% of the world is: They have thoughts, but they are afraid or embarrased to write them down. Why?
Then I showed her something: With a little tweeking, her thought became a haiku (not that it’s better as a haiku… I think it’s brilliant as it first came out). But it points out the creative process: We have a raw thought. We capture it. We think about it. We tweek it. We publish it.

It is raining. In/
rain I find solace, warmth and /
deep understanding.


It rains. I stand there./
In rain I find solace, warmth /
and understanding.