Posts Tagged ‘LDS General Conference’

Consider Opportunity Cost — Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

August 11, 2019

When I consider
all that may be gained or lost,
I far too seldom
think of the opportunity cost.

Playing soccer or baseball
was never a bad thing,
but I never once asked
what eternal growth they’d bring.

I can think of many times
I went to play in the sun.
But the more valuable games
were those with more than just fun.

It’s the eternal things which must be considered and weighed
to decide if time is well spent, or just frittered away.

Based on a April 2019 General Conference talk by Elder Dallin H. Oaks.

His Grace Is Sufficient: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

April 1, 2017

When it’s not your work,/
but His, don’t worry about/
your abilities.

The Prophet Said: Be Kind And Charitable: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

April 1, 2017

When I’m not kind,but/
lash out, even though I’m hurt,/
I’m not doing right.

Eating Out Alone: Romantic Free Verse ImproVerse Poem Lament

April 1, 2017

I love to eat out,
but this was a different
type of meal,
a spiritual Feast, really,
and I longed to share it
with somebody I cared about,
someone who enjoyed the same cuisine
(or so i thought.)

I reached out to her
and time
but there was never
any response;
any indication
that she
was having
the same feelings.

At last,
as I waited for dessert,
(knowing she was not
going to partake,)
I realized
that she and I
were not looking
at the same menu.
I thought
that she might not even
be hungry.
Or that maybe
she might be eating out

I learned,
and was reminded,
that the gut-wrenching feeling,
the butterflies,
in my stomach,
that familiar feeling
that had come around
for over a decade
was not caused by her,
nor by my hunger,
but was a result,
as it had been
so often in the past,
of my silliness,
my over-indulgent intensity.

So I asked for the check
and left.

Doing Right Might Be Hard: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

April 1, 2017

When it’s an effort/
to do the right thing, then you/
learn that it’s worth it.

Hearing Prophets Singles Style: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku

October 3, 2016

When prophets of God/
speak, your yack yack yacky is/
so tack tack* tacky.

*so gosh darn tacky.

Yes, You Did, But You’re Not: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

October 1, 2016

Don’t be hurt when folks/
cut down your bad past. Tell your/
forgiveness blessing

They Always Return To A Clean Home: Revolutionary Email Free Verse Poem

April 3, 2016

putting up a martin house in Lake Winneconne, April 2016I listened to a Prophet’s voice
on the Sabbath,
then stood on a ladder/
in a frigid Wisconsin lake
to put up a clean bird house,
as directed by my father.

For us both,
holy, cleansing events
have happened
in that same water,
and purple martins
fly in
from Brazil
on the south wind.

Purple martin house at sunset, Lake Winneconne, WisconsinAddendum: Just In Time — April 4, 19:23 p.m.
My dad gave me a/
joyful high-five today:The/
martins’ scout found home.

Sustaining God’s Servants: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

April 2, 2016

It doesn’t matter/
if folks oppose God’s servants,/
as long as I don’t.

It doesn’t matter/
if folks oppose God’s servants,/
‘cuz I never will.

Hear And Feel God’s Light: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

April 2, 2016

Laying in sunbeams, receiving Light from ConferenceOne of my favorite/
things: Lay in beams of sunlight/
and hear God’s counsel.