Posts Tagged ‘sacrifice’

What Sacrificing My Own Life Means: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

February 16, 2017

I am learning that/
sacrificing my own life/
mostly means: Give time.

Do By Faith: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

February 8, 2017

Got a task to do?/
Don’t know why? Do it! You’ll learn/
after many days.

Yes, You Did, But You’re Not: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

October 1, 2016

Don’t be hurt when folks/
cut down your bad past. Tell your/
forgiveness blessing

Sacrifice For Kids: Romantic IMprov Haiku

December 26, 2015

If I had my wheels,/
I would ask her to dance. The/
things we do for kids.

Too Late Understanding Howl: Romantic ImproVerse Free Verse Poetic Lament

September 21, 2015

Tonight I howled at the moon,
where I had once gathered firewood
for us,
for s’mores,
but now there will be
no more.

Howling and
screaming and
I couldn’t see
through my tears.

Then I pulled off
the road and howled
some more as I watched
my dreams
and visions
and hopes
and the waxing moon
disappear behind a giant cottonwood tree,
until the Union Pacific’s
low moaning whistle
drowned out my own howling
at the moon
and the dreams
that had disappeared.

And when I was done,
when my howling had ended,
I drove long and slow
down that old swamp path,
eye and eye nearly swollen shut,
caked with dust
that had dried up
in these desert fields,
dried up and blown away,
not like a dream deferred,
but like a vision
and a hope
sacrificed on an altar
of obedience
I wasn’t quite ready
nor prepared
to kneel at.

18 Minutes To The Temple Door: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Lament

September 20, 2015

Some folks can just go/
once. I’m minutes away and/
don’t go much. Why not?

We Honor You Thus: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

May 1, 2015

I also weep, bow,/
and write “Organ Donor” on/
my driver’s license.Chinese doctors bow in respect to an organ donor

Nailed Like A Crucifix: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

July 9, 2014

Mom nailed on crucifixGoofing around, I/
wondered if she thought how much/
she, Mom, sacrificed.

He’s Trod My Path: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

April 20, 2014

I wondered why I/
needed to go to certain/
meetings. Then I heard.

Small Sacrifices Part 2: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

December 15, 2013

The things I must now/
sacrifice are the evil /
thoughts and deeds I do.