Posts Tagged ‘dare’

His Verse Mine (RIP Robin #2) : Revolutionary improverse haiku lament

August 11, 2014

My verse was and is/
and will be, in part, because/
he dared to be him.

Freedom Or Obsession? Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

August 2, 2012

I write and speak of/

things I’d never dared. Am I/

obsessed or just freed?

Strange And Odd Dare: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku

May 5, 2011

Is it strange and odd/
to wonder if you think of/
me? Dare I hope that?

Writing To No One: Romantic IMprov Sonnet

March 10, 2011

Dare I always be the one
who reaches out on-line first?
Dare I be again the one
who writes in metered verse?

Dare I hope she hasn’t gone
into her deep dark dwelling place
so the computer glow illuminates walls,
but doesn’t shine upon her face?

Dare I, driven by memories past,
and what yet may be,
write verses quick and fast
that flow improvisationally?

Yes, I will take that writing dare again,
for she will answer, though I don’t know when.

Showing Indifference: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Poem

January 4, 2011

Maybe i should have no flair./
Maybe I should dare/
2 show I don’t care./

Maybe I should stop reeling/
with deep, emotional feelings./
Then, maybe, I’d get somewhere.

Asking a Siren Friend For Help: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Poem

March 29, 2010

My friend and client (and Siren, Medusa, Goddess) Erin at Sweet Lily Salon ( does my hair organically and gives me advice about asking women out, especially when I’m feeling “out of my league” (which, thanks to her, happens VERY infrequently). I wrote this to her on the eve of something scary which, ultimately, never happened.

My fear’s about/
going out/
with a TV/
Yes, I dared!/
Now, I’m scared!/
What’ll she think of me?/
I can’t seduce;/
Eek! Cute’s no use!/
But do/
words woo?

Communication on St. Paddy’s Day: An Emailed Limerick

March 17, 2010

This is where
I wish you didn’t care
if I call you
Or IM, too.
If only you’d dare.