Posts Tagged ‘share’

SHINE On, You Crazy Blonde Niece: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Birthday Wish

November 16, 2016

Born to a life of/
Privilege, she makes certain/
it’s shared with others.
The Shine Project --

Scare No Share: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament

June 8, 2016

The saddest part of /
scaring her away is I’ve/
no one to share with.
Water Iris and Duck Week, Lake Winneconne, June 2016

Why We Share Our Alone: Revolutionary IMprov Free Verse Poetry

May 17, 2016

We try to convince
that we are okay being
that we love
our solo status.

We document
our evening fireplace flickering,
the movies we’re watching,
the hikes we’re taking,
the vistas we’re seeing
the food we’re preparing
for one,
the drinks we’re sharing
with none,
and we claim
and proclaim
that we love
so much.

That may be,
but the very fact
that we need to share
our alone status
on Facebook
or Twitter
or Instagram,
that we feel compelled
to scream what we’re doing
from the rooftops,
slaps us in the face
and says this experience
would be better

The very fact
that we must share
all alone
is an oxymoron.
We are not meant
to be alone always.
We are meant to share,
to teach,
to learn,
to cry,
to laugh,
to love

We are meant to be
because together
is better.

Leader Of The Speakers: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

May 14, 2015

She shared her words, her/
enthusiasm, and her/
bread pudding with us.

The Oracle Solves A Creative’s Dilemic Conundrum: Revolutionary IMprov Free Verse Poem

May 5, 2015

Through life’s woods
I wandered.
Down a path
not-often trodden,
I stumbled,
because of rejection,
because of loneliness.

In a still glen,
facing my feelings,
I found her,
an oracle
in blue.

I asked honestly
for others perceptions
of me.

Had I offended?
The oracle spoke:
“You view the world differently.
Creatives see things
And thus, you are,

“What you as a creative see,
you view with variety
and clarity.”

“Some use a paintbrush,
some a pencil or pen
some use a sculptor’s tool,
some a potter’s wheel,
some a keyboard or strings.
Some see the world
through a wide angle
or a macro
or a telephoto lens.”

“But what you see,
you can capture
and share
with the world
who is blind,
or at least myopic
or farsighted
or mono-colored.”

“Because you do that,
we in the world who have ears,
may hear;
and having eyes,
may see.
And having minds,
may understand.
And having souls,
may feel
and grasp
and learn
and know.”

“That’s why creatives,
though you’re misunderstood,
though you’re criticized,
though you’re shunned,
by some,
must always exist.
That’s why
you must always persevere.”

“Because without you,
the world would miss
what we otherwise
might see
or hear
or feel
or experience
and understand.”

As she spoke
those words,
the truth,
I reeled
under the torrent
and weight
of responsibility.

At the same time,
I felt my burden lifted.
I felt my rejection taken.
I felt,
fire in my veins
and joy
in my heart.

Though I’m often alone
on that solitary path,
I’m not lonely.

I now know
and accept
that it is okay
to see
and write
what others might not.
Even if I’m rejected,
by some,
others will see.

I’ll share,
not in a condescending way,
not in reprimand,
not in a “you must see that
this this way,
or you’re wrong”.

Not asking them to
“be better”,
because they are
as they are,
as I am
as I am.

Instead, I’ll give
my words,
my thoughts,
my feelings
in a kind,
sharing way.

I’ll say:
“Look at this thing
I see.
Look what I found!
Come share it with me.”

Just like she,
visionary oracle,
in her wisdom,
helped me see
the opportunity
and responsibility
I bear
as I live,
and share,
my life honestly,
with integrity,

Why Horde And Be Selfish? Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

July 30, 2014

Do survivalists/
fear death? They won’t share? What would/
Christ do at the End?

Sharing Experiences Can Wait: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku

July 27, 2014

There is much I would/
like to share with her, but I/
don’t need to. Not yet.

Late Night Missed Opportunities: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku

May 15, 2014

We could have talked and/
shared deep and poignant thoughts. But/
instead, we didn’t.

What If I Don’t: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku

May 5, 2014

If I don’t re-post/
some tripe I think is silly,/
I’m chicken or dumb?

Rhubarb Crisp Changes Lives Again: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

February 19, 2014

Who knows when your poem/
about sharing rhubarb crisp/
may change someone’s life.

This poem and rhubarb crisp has a history: a previous set of poems written.