Posts Tagged ‘charity’

The Greatest Gift, The Greatest Theft: Revolutionary Blogging Poetry

July 17, 2019

I may have a great/
charity. When I force it/
on you, it’s evil.

Love’s True Disciple Example: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

August 21, 2017

He often thinks that,/
if love’s a religion, she’s/
a true disciple.

When You Learn To Care With True Love: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

March 21, 2017

When you pray for folks/
who don’t care is when you learn/
Charity: True love.
is when you learn/
how much you do care.

To Be So Caring It Randomly Hurts: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

February 3, 2017

It’s hard for me to/
fathom why my heart hurts for/
one I don’t know well.*

*someone I just met.

do I/
Is that a surprise?/
Or just me/
and charity?

Charity Or Stupidity? Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

January 1, 2017

Sometimes you help folks/
yet others reap the rewards/
and get the benefits.

HIS Shepherds In A Small Midwestern Town: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

December 30, 2016

In a small Midwest/
town, ministering angels/
came to serve His flock.Ministering Angels in Omro Care Center

SHINE On, You Crazy Blonde Niece: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Birthday Wish

November 16, 2016

Born to a life of/
Privilege, she makes certain/
it’s shared with others.
The Shine Project --

Will I Change Because Of Trump’s Election? Revolutionary IMprov Prose

November 9, 2016

Election Night 2016: The last thing I heard on the radio before I went to bed was Hillary’s campaign manager telling all her supporters to go home and get some sleep. Now I wake up in the middle of the night and discover Trump has been elected president. My Facebook is blowing up with all my more liberal friends and other people saying how they despair, and how tragic life is, and how they don’t know what they will do.
And I’m confused. Since when did our happiness become so dependent on other people? Since when did we stop taking personal responsibility for making the world a better place? I understand that some people are frightened. Some people were frightened eight years ago when Obama took office. I was. You can read about it in this blog!
But guess what? The sky didn’t fall. Those who disagreed with his politics worked hard to change them. Others accepted his politics and moved on with an Audacity Of Hope. Maybe that’s the same type of thing we need to do now. If you don’t like Trump’s politics, I suggest that you work on doing something about it on an extremely personal level.
Love other people. Be kind to everybody. Be accepting and open. Fight for justice and against Injustice when you see it. Be the Change that you want to see in the world.
Most of all, I’m going to take this time to reflect on who I am as a person.
Do I speak things that are hateful?
Do I come across as a misogynist?
Can people look at me and say I’m prejudiced?
If I have not charity I have become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.

This will be my prayer: Dear God, please grant me the Charity that I need to do what I need to do to make the world a better place, to let those around me feel loved and safe and protected.
And, dear God, bless America.

A Friend responded “Why State the Obvious?” I responded:
If it’s so obvious, then why is my Facebook filled, as I said, with tales of Woe and Oh! the darkness is upon us and I can’t believe America is so stupid and all these Doom and Gloom sayings? I get that people have to have time to mourn, but I’m not certain that saying we’re a ll going to hell and our lives as we know them are ruined is the way to do it. 8 years ago, I’m mourned deeply. And then I saw the joy of my liberal friends, wrote a poem about the event and change, and I used the Audacity of Hope to change my life.

My friend then said that this type of response is normal. My point:
Here’s what bothers me. Although every change begins with expression, some of those of us who supported Trump,have been hearing the same expressions of hate and vitriol for the last several months. There is nothing in the current expressions of hate, and disgust that indicates things will be any different at all. I am simply inviting those label me because of my vote as misogynistic racist ignoramus to come and have a dialogue with me. But if they’ve turned their backs on me and insult me and insist on calling me and those who voted like me names, then there is little hope. I can stand here with open arms and smiling face, but eventually, if they throw enough crap at me, I will stop trying to have a dialogue with them. And they will be ignored , just as they fear.

And then, this morning:
Hillary just gave a wonderful concession speech. I believe that she wants to work together to better America. My Hope Is that people won’t run away. That people won’t be hating. That people will listen to each other and respect differences and work together. That is the Audacity of my Hope.

On Accepting Help: Revolutionary IMprov Free Verse Poem

March 25, 2016

It’s such a common thing
the sisters of Zion.

So many walls up.
So much fear.
And worry.
And don’ts.
And can’ts.
And shouldn’ts.

As though they think
anyone will think
less of them
for the less
that others do
to them.

As though we
who have been
or could be
would ever
deride them
for seeking,
for the help
others force them into.

They feel bad
and hide
and suffer
of letting charity
never fail.

The Night Santa And His Elves Visited: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

December 20, 2014

Seeing Santa bring/
toys to good girls and boys can’t/
help but bring you joy.