Posts Tagged ‘journey’

Struggles Are Growth For Forevah: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse

July 1, 2019

Each of my children
with what they should do
in their lives
with their lives.

They ask what purpose they have,
what greater good
they can serve.

It seems as though
they feel as though
there should be some

There’s not.

While I’m glad
(as their Dad)
they’re trying to figure out
how best to serve
and what purpose they have
in the world,
and while I’m glad
they’re searching for purpose,
how can I explain to them
that I have not yet,
(at over a half of century of age,)
found that answer?

And that I may never find it.

What do
I want to do
when I grow up?

I may never know.

How can I explain to them
that the world is changing,
and its needs,
and the people of the earth’s needs
are changing as well.

How can I let them know that,
while those needs are changing,
our own,
ability to help
to serve
to uplift
and to strengthen
is also changing,

I’m a much different man
I was at 25,
at 35,
at 43,
at 50, (12 years ago),
at 60.

My skills are different.
My talents have changed and grown.
I now have wisdom
that I didn’t even think
I could possess
when I was 36 years old.

So while I encourage
my kids,
(now grown)
to keep trying
to figure out
how best to serve,
I also hope that they have learned
from me
that service
and life’s journey
is not a final destination.

Life is simply
a journey,
an opportunity
to find out
how best to help,
and then to do that
in the moment,
until such time comes
as you find another need
that the world has
an another talent
that you have
that helps fill that need.

And on
and on
and on.

Because only those
who don’t stop serving,
who don’t stop helping,
who don’t stop caring,
keep living.

What Is Happiness: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

November 25, 2013

Is happiness a/
destination, a journey,/
or your decision?

Start Of A Tough Journey: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

May 22, 2013

“Don’t stop believin'”/
means even more now to me/
than it did before.

Is It Art?: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku

March 28, 2013

So rapid can be/
the journey from art gall’ry/
to piles of laundry.

How rapidly can/
we journey from art gall’ry/
to piles of laundry.

Cheese Curd Flirt: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku

May 10, 2011

Wisconsin Cheese and Curds from Held's

My journey reaches/
its end. Is flirting shown by/
poetry or cheese?

Non-Saccharin Patience is Rocket Fuel: A Romantic Reverse Sonnet

January 19, 2010

She might mistake my self-control and patience
for kindness and saccharin sweetness.
I don’t expect the woman to hold back.
In fact, I beg her to release, to relax,
to accept, to experience the shiv
er of all that I have to offer, all that I can give.
I want her to feel the intensity I can provide
with one brush of the tip of one finger
for just the right length, as it glides
to just the right place, where it patiently lingers.
And when she’s sent to another planet,
I want to be on that ship and man it.
I want to put her in orbit there,
or continue the journey with her elsewhere.