Posts Tagged ‘stand’

My Heart of Rock n’ Roll’s Still Beatin’! Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku

July 12, 2017

Will I bring a chair?/
NO! I’ll dance, swear: “My heart of/
rock and roll still beats.”

Rock Stack Lighthouse: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku

June 1, 2016

Stacked Rocks Lighthouse, Lake Winneconne sunsettThe rocks that I stacked/
with my hands still stand. Who knew/
there’d be a lighthouse?

What To Do When Live’s Short: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

June 10, 2013

Stand up. Be a man./
Forgive siblings and friends who/
hurt you. Life’s too short.

Standing Hand Holding: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Poetry

January 17, 2012

When I hold your hand/

can you stand/

a butterfly’s wings,/

(delicate, tender things,)/

unfolding as it fans?

Tracing across your palm and wrist?

Dancing lightly, like a butterfly’s kiss?

And then matching fingers’ gentle trace?

Moving up from your hand to cup your face?

Can you tolerate hand holding that grand?

If you can,

I might yet be your man.

Leaning On The Boundary Fence: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

September 16, 2011

Sometimes leaning on/
the fence is okay. Sometimes,/
stand across the field.

Guarded By Forcefields: Romantic IMprov Haiku

June 7, 2011

She, shimmering, stands.
Magnifying her hair’s shine,
the forcefield guards her.

Stand, Lay, Miss: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku

May 25, 2011

I can’t stand the miss./
You. The emptiness. So I /
lay in bed instead.

Waiting For The Other Shoe: Romantic IMprov Haiku

April 6, 2011

She stands high on a/
mountain top. Her words command;/
will her next shoe drop?

Where Inspiration Stands: Revolutionary IMprov Iambic Haiku

March 3, 2011

On occassion I/
see blonde inspiration stand/
before me. She’s fun!

I see her inspiration/
before me. She’s fun!

Thinking Of You At The Boat Slip: Romantic ConTEXTing Poetry

September 1, 2010

U asked 4 a poem 4u./
that comes/
after a new/
and greeting./

as I stand/
in the sand/
of the boat slip/
where I oft skinny-dipped,/
I 1der true/
if U do.