Posts Tagged ‘child’

Giving Hugs Is Hard: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

August 28, 2015

I stood on the street,/
arms outstretched for hugs. Dogs and/
children gave freely.

No Losers Here: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

December 11, 2014

When your child tells you:/
“We are all losers!”, it’s time/
that you prove her wrong.

Children On Trains: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

December 5, 2014

The wonder of a/
child looking out train’s windows/
helps me see clearly.

In Line At WalMart: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

December 4, 2014

The child I did not/
know smiled wide, said “Hi!”, and thus/
gave me happiness.

Growing Up Stopping The Dance: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

May 25, 2013

When, as children, do/
we fin’lly made the choice to/
stop our joyful dance?

New Growth Promises: Revolutionary contexting haiku

March 19, 2013

My child climbs skyward./
Shaken boughs make pink snowstorms/
and promise new growth.

Dad Doesn’t Understand: Revolutionary IMproVerse Haiku

October 20, 2012

My Dad tells me: “Be
happy!” He’s never had a
child killing herself.

No Poetic Expression: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

October 6, 2012

I write. A lot. I was trying to write a long poem to read as a toast to my oldest son and his new bride (aka my newest daughter!). Nothing came to mind. Finally, I realized this:

No poetry can/
express how I feel gaining/
a daughter like you.

Or (because I realized to applied to each of my children):

No poetry can express
the joy felt having children
such as you all are.

Thanks To My Daughter’s Friend: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem

September 23, 2012

I wept so hard I could almost not dictate this.

I walk gratefully,
into her house,
where my daughter’s guardian angel
stands watch.

Skin falls off
boiling plums
and young old bones
and her parents tell me
that they would give everything
to have their daughter back.
But since they can’t
they will give me what they can,
what their angel daughter
told them to give,
to make sure her friend,
my daughter,
doesn’t leave.

I stand on an island,

It is only much later
that I can weep
tears of gratitude,
for I have already wept
tears of sorrow
for their loss.

because of their daughter’s love,
and angelic soul,
they won’t have to weep
for mine.

Missing Father’s Day Message: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Lament

June 19, 2011

Every Father’s Day/
there’s one message missing. This/
year, it’s not his child’s.