Posts Tagged ‘assistance’

Finding Our Guides: Revolutionary ImproVerse Sonnet

August 9, 2013

We all stand at the brink/
Of new horizons, and think/
Of what we can’t do,/
And fear, instead of soldiering through./

We feel like we’re all alone
far from the familiar surroundings of home.
But there are others who’ve walked this path,
who wait and hope and want to be asked.

And when we look, we’ll find/
those Guides wise and kind,/
Who’ll lead us past terror’s door,/
For they’ve passed this way before./

Our new friends can help us go the distance
if we have courage to seek their assistance

Standing On The Edge: Romantic IMprov Sonnet

March 10, 2011

As she stands
at such a precipice,
dare I extend my hand
at a risky time like this?

Is she dangling
Or merely trying
a better view to see?

Will my reaching out
block her enthusiasm
as she removes her doubt
and leaps across the chasm?

I will retreat and offer no assistance
until I’m certain I’ll meet no resistence.