Posts Tagged ‘applaud’

Don’t Remake Her: Romantic IMprov Iambic Poem

February 3, 2017

What does it take/
to remake her/
into that shape you/
want her to/

You can’t./
There’s no chance./
It’s her own power/
and destiny/
to flower/
and be/
her own she.

The harder you try/
to change/
and rearrange,/
the more she’ll run.

But be the man/
who’ll applaud loud./
Be her biggest fan;/
pull her out of the crowd./

Then maybe/
she’ll see/
what you see/
and be/

It’s Finally My Turn: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku

February 1, 2014

An omelet worthy of a standing O: Oscar the Grouch omelet, Jan. 2014After years of food/
standing O’s, I fin’lly gave/
one to my omelet.

Appreciating Dead Trees At Sunset: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

June 6, 2013

How many people/
applaud trees silhouetted/
against the sunset?

Don’t Applaud Too Quickly: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

December 15, 2012

Why are you in such/
a hurry to applaud? The/
last note is the best.


Don’t be in such a/
hurry to applaud. The last/
note is the richest.

Originally titled: Utah Folks Applaud Too Quickly

Worshipful Song Applause: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

November 25, 2012

Her angelic song/
brought God’s spirit. Would that I/
could applaud her gift.