Posts Tagged ‘lesson learned’

A Better Example Than I Am: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse

January 26, 2017

All of us/
on the afternoon #45 bus/
shook our heads/
in disgust/
or rolled our eyes/
or grimaced/
as we tried/
to avoid face-to-face/
with the disheveled/
probably homeless/
man who rocked out/
to tunes/
on his iPhone,/

All of us,/
that is,/
but the sun-tanned/
young woman/
who was just/
coming home from work/
at Smith’s/
or some other grocery store/
neatly uniformed, /
and, /
(as she revealed later,)
heading to her halfway house,/
to her recovery place./

She simply smiled/
at the man,/
and pointed at her ears./
(At last!/
Someone is going to/
say something!)

But, /
when he said “WHAT!?!”,/
she reached into her backpack,/
and handed him,/
gifted him,/
a pair of earphones.

This Is What “It” Feels Like: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament

November 11, 2014

She said she’d get back/
to me the next day. It’s been/
a week. Lesson learned.

T-Shirt Vendor Performance Experience: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

October 19, 2014

He, rushed, didn’t have/
the whole experience he’d/
paid for. She, still, did.LaJolla Cove t-shirt vendor experience Oct 2014 -- Waves crashing

Lesson Learned- Don’t Share: Romantic Email Limerick

December 29, 2010

What? She sent no response?
I am such a dunce
To write what I shared;
To think that she cared.
A lesson should be learned once.