Posts Tagged ‘farewell’

Farewell, Good Doctor: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku Lament

June 21, 2016

Farewell good Doctor, Lake Winneconne sunsetI face West and bid/
fond farewell to one of the/
finest Men I’ve known.

On A Life Well Lived: Revolutionary Blogging Iambic Poem

November 11, 2015

Farewell, dear friend.
Defender of the truth.
Support of the youth
and outcast:
You have passed
at last.
But this is not the end.

You will continue on
in courts above,
as you have, with love,
charity, directness, being kind.
Always speaking what’s on your mind.
With eyes shining like the sun.

I did not know you were knocking
at Heaven’s Gate.
And now it’s too late
to say goodbye.
So I’ll cry
and try
to remember the joy we had talking
as your house kept rocking.

If I had known
(in my defense)
would it have made a difference?
I would just like to recall
our friendship.
The occasional tongue slip.
The laughs and good times we shared.
How much you cared.
And all
wrapped up with the joy in your home.

Your legacy
can’t be captured in poetry.
But remains in happy memory;
and lives on
in your strong,
inspiring progeny.

Tell Art and Helen hello for me,
for friends once,
friends will always be,
Just like you and me.

Morning Illuminates Farewell: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku

September 10, 2012

Sleep well and if it’s/
farewell then I guess the light/
of morning will tell.

Unexpectedly Waving: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku

August 5, 2010

Was last ev’ning’s wave/
an unexpected farewell?/
An unseen adieu?