Posts Tagged ‘be happy’

Dance Like Everyone’s Watching: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

May 21, 2015

I sing and dance like/
folks are watching ‘cuz it lets/
them sing and dance, too.
— A haiku from the I-15 topless dancer.

RIP BB: Revolutionary Rhyming Poem Lament

May 15, 2015

and be
playin’ with your friends

On Giving Joy: Romantic IMprov Haiku

June 17, 2014

I had the chance to/
help her be happy and feel/
joy. She turned me down.
I took the chance to/
help her feel joy. I don’t know/
why she turned me down.

I Ain’t Nobody: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

February 26, 2014

There are those who claim:/
“Nobody is happy!” but/
they haven’t met me.

Minimums Versus Maximums: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

January 14, 2014

Don’t do minimums/
in life, but be happy with/
all you are doing.

What Is Happiness: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

November 25, 2013

Is happiness a/
destination, a journey,/
or your decision?

Dad Doesn’t Understand: Revolutionary IMproVerse Haiku

October 20, 2012

My Dad tells me: “Be
happy!” He’s never had a
child killing herself.