Posts Tagged ‘awesome’

Being A Muse: Romantic Email Haiku

December 22, 2014

I always wondered/
how it felt to be a Muse./
Now I know. Awesome!

On A Leonardo DiCaprio Thread Comparing Me To Homer (Simpson) – Romantic IMprov Haiku

December 5, 2014

It’s always awesome/
to be insulted by a /
woman you don’t know.

Morning Drive Flag Respect: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

October 16, 2014

Every morning I/
tip my hat to the flag. Why/
not? We live awesome!

Good Past, Future Awesome! Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

March 13, 2014

Recall your good past,/
but seek out and believe your/
future awesomeness.


Recall your good past,/
but see, seek and grasp your now/
and future awesome.

She Was An Awesome Experience: Romantic IMprov Haiku

December 11, 2013

She was an awesome/
experience, a mirror/
to me, my soul’s lens.

My Level Of Awesome: Romantic Blogging Haiku

October 5, 2013

I appreciate/
that s(He) showed what level of/
awesome can be mine*.
… awesome is out there.

Overcoming Lonely: Romantic ImproVerse Free Verse Lament

March 24, 2013

instead of bemoaning
the fact
she won’t call,
I should prepare myself
for someone who will
reach out.

instead of worrying
why I’m not
good enough,
I should make myself
for someone who is
not only awesome,
but who believes
that I am

Because even though
I am,
I can be
more so.

And when I am
at THAT level,
it won’t matter
what I was
will it matter
how lonely I felt.

And as God is my witness,
I will never be lonely again!

Don’t Disappear: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

December 9, 2012

When you are awesome/
in your Awesomeness, people/
just want more of you!

*Written in response to my daughter’s comment about her eating disorder: “It’s not about getting more attention. It’s about wanting to disappear completely.” See her blog at “Milla The Night Baker: Because Eating Disorders Don’t Sleep”

Becoming Even More Awesomer: Revolutionary IMprov Free Verse

August 29, 2012

I believe I am growing
in my awesomeness.
I know what things I must do
to become even more awesomer.

So why, then, do I stand
in fear and awe
at the simple things
that lay,
like cowering dogs,
at my feet?

Simple phone calls,
forms to write,
files to submit,
questions to ask.

Why do I fear,
and have the simple
make my life
more painful
and complex,
and let those
stumbling blocks
take away
for Awesomeness,
instead of letting me
leap over them
and be out, standing
in my awesomeness?

Just Because, I Can Change: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

August 16, 2012

Just because I am/
awesome in my awesomeness,/
I can still change me.