Posts Tagged ‘moral’

Harsh Play: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku Lament

May 7, 2015

She who once played with/
me is now harsh on my play,/
But I deserve it.

She who once played with/
me is now harsh on my play,/
But deservedly.

As A Man Thinketh: Revolutionary IMproVerse Haiku

May 3, 2015

My worthiness must/
not just be physical, but/
spiritual as well.

Being Prone: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

July 27, 2014

In relationships,/
I was prone to being prone./
Now I’m upstanding.

I Learned My Lesson: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku

March 5, 2014

She was my friend. How/
can I judge her for sinning/
how I used to sin?

She was my friend. How/
can I judge her for doing/
what I used to do?

Lady In Red: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

February 19, 2014

Though she wore scarlet, /
she looked happy. I hope she/
learned and changed her path.

What I Can’t Accept: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

February 16, 2014

She expects me to/
accept her hurting herself./
I can’t. It hurts me.

I Do Or Not What I Can Or Can’t: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

January 29, 2014

It didn’t happen/
with me, because of me, or/
to me. I feel good.