Posts Tagged ‘enlarge’

Sharing Fish Stories: Revolutionary Email Free Verse Sonnet

December 19, 2014

Unknowingly she, poet, captured
a moment I remembered,
of walking with salmon,
of connecting with eternal.

Feet icicle freezing,
yet warmed and massaged
by those same opal fins
she described.

My daughter and I,
captivated by glinting rainbows
beneath the river’s rivulets,
had cautiously waded in.

In firebrands’ shadows,
autumn leaves
dying orange and red,
we’d joined death and creation.

If I respond with my own fish story,
do I diffuse or enlarge her spawned memory?

Enlarging More Than His Soul: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku

November 20, 2013

She couldn’t know that /
her late night voice had enlarged/
not only his soul.*
*more than just his soul.